iN my bAlcoNy


Sunday, July 13, 2003

some of u noe this .. some of u don..
but life after 35?... to me.. wat'Z that?... when i say this.. ppl say like.. hell!!! there'z lots to do in life... wat do i say?... yeah i noe.. n i intend to do it all b4 3rd may 2021. i mean.. even if i can't do them all.. when age starts to add it's weight.. wat can i do? it'll juz take too long.. n too hard... n i don wan to break my bones. But my thoughtz are juz thoughtz... heck... i can't control the future... even if i wanT to pass on early... i wan to do itn in style..=X(heck dying in style!.. wat next?!)
the life i crave is long overdue.. the timez when books were meant for pleasure n knowledge came from sources other then processed mother nature. so screw the bookZ and bugger off knowledge fuckerz \\// in mythoughts u don exist.. FUCK.. my thoughts don really count!




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