iN my bAlcoNy


Thursday, September 04, 2003

aaahhh.. yesterday was a fun day!!!... it was graduation ceremony for the previous year 3 batch.. As tiring as standing the whole time for it(me being an usher an all)... it was worth it..especially when i saw the 'spirit' of the graduating batch.. it was heart warming.. TOTALLY heart warming!... and the validictorian(i think i got the spelling wrong..=X) speech, WHOA!!! BEAUTIFUL.... SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! after that.. i became the 'camera' man for the law students an all...haha so kewl.. besides from being able to take pictures of the other ushers, I enjoyed the part of taking the pics of the graduants!!!.. managed to chat with them a bit, hah it felt gd 'mingling' around with them and all.. The Law tutors, had smiles that seem to be stuck on their faces the whole time.. HECK i cldn't stop smiling... sheesh! their smiles were priceless... and I got some of them on pictures...=X haha.. n there was this graduating gal, she like wanted to take a pic with me..=X haha.. using her camera... after taking, her fren was like asking her..'photo engh?.. wan more?'.. ahah i was a bit shy.. and said gd bye and went of... hey don get me wrong.. the gal was not bad...oo yeah and food were given free.. so i liked totally ate like crazy...hahah no shame sia!

kaeZ after that we went to I Law chambers, slacked awhile.. it was like freaking hot with the blazer and all... after slacking for a bit we started on doin criminal procedure representation hmwerk.. haiZ... lotsa werk to do!.. ahah we realised after awhile that we needed to go to the library to do some case finding.. and so we did... and so the fun began for my frenZ and I.. it was totally fun photo taking ahha.. so kewl!.. we did our werk lar.. but later on we started taking a few pictures and all.. 'candid' so to say'.. and yeah.. haha i took 1 with apri's blazer... and the rest (apri, vitya, yanie, soffie, azhani and azila) said I looked like a cassanova... sheesh!... but it was a kewl thing in a way.. izad joined us for awhile but left soon to meet up with sheereen.. sori u 2 cldnl't go for the performance thingy with u guyZ!!!

after the time in the library.. we headed to Simei banquet... ahha we had our dinner there. Before i entered banquet.. soffie and I headed to another eating place(where i used to buy bubble tea) and bought a hotdog each for ourself.. it was YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoa! .. yeah then we headed to banquet i ate chicken chop 'sluRp!'.. and soon erfendi son of dahlan joined us...=X then i whipped my digi cam out again and took some crazy picZ~!.. it was so damn kewl... we took more 'candid' shots.. and when we wanted to pose.. sheesh! vithya vithya.. she ar.. wanted to take the picture.. like pro. photographer sia... took her(kk me too lar) a long time juZ to take 1 pic.. sheesh! our 'models'..the others.. had to pose and smile .. ahah tiring sia! after banquet we headed to starbucks below . slacked there for awhile then we had to leave cauZ they were closing.. cldn;t stay in the starbucks but outside.. Since there weren't any space we headed to athe seats outside of BK. we sat there.. then took a bit more picz.. then i swtched on my 'nightvision' thingy for my digicam. and we were like all greeny looking!!! so kewl!.. SCARY to most actually.. i took a pic each of all of us... seriously scary.. the said i looked like 'kevin' from BSB.. i'm like sheesh!!!.. then erfen was seriously looking like a sleek vampire .. soffie!!! looks like the JU-on gal!.. wah scary shit man..yanie and the rest were totaly freaked out.. they were serously scared stiff!!! sori about that u guyZ..

and after all that fun.. we headed home... and yeah below... are some of the picZ... take a look at them...enojoy....^_^

ahha hard at werk??.. or juZ apri posing..=X?)

cassanova sia.. don noe where they got the idea....-.-

kevin sia.. more like some kinda of sacry shit stuff man!


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