iN my bAlcoNy


Saturday, October 04, 2003

okok!!! sori for not having been posting the last few dayZ.. been very very bZ.. and alwayZ slpy after finishing up my assignmentZ>.. hmmm i LOVED today... been awhile since i enjoyed any of the passing dayZ... but today... well.. passed on rather well... started off with lessonZ and all.. well i FINALLY got my accounts coursework markZ..!!!! haiZ.. stupid teacher lost my first test paper.. so BIG hoo hah aobut my markZ thingy.. but yeah finally settled(he still have not found my paper though -.-).. and i got a B..hmm B's gd.. but i wanted an A..=X ahah the onli subject that i ahve targetted toget an A...=X... hmm.. well let'Z juZ see how i fair in the finalZ.. hmm well after that.. i had lunch with yasin at erm near skool the western food place.. aka (JB)... erm.. well food was gd an all.. ten headed back to skool... met up with a few of me frenZ (vit,azhani,soffie, izad and sheereen) they were there at first.. then it was left with erm.. sheereen hanif n myself... wanted to go off soon.. cauZ i had a play to catch.. then i got a fone call.... it was a photo agency.. wanted me to go down by 8 for a photoshoot casting!!!! i was like hmmm.. it was like around 5 lidat?.. and i had a play to go to by 8.. ar heck lar.. called my mom told her aobut it.. and said that i was gona take cab.. and told her to pay me back the cash for it..=X hahaha... hmm well.. went there.. the place was KEWL as most of the agencies i ahve been to.. power sia!!! ahah.. kewl design kinda concept lar...then went there to take the shots and all.. then best part was that.. we toked hanif to go for the photo shoot as well.. since the ppl there din mind!! ahha(oo yeah went there with sheereen n hanif).. then he took.. ahah bro.. farni sia.. but hey it was a kewl experience for him i think..(keeping fingers crossed for them to get back to at least ONE of us for the job..=X)... ahahah.. hmm then head to town for a bit.. then went to meet up with some of the other law peepZ who were gona go to the play as well... hmm the play.. well if u have realised i have YET to used 'way pass kewl' so yeah.. it was WAY PASS KEWL!!!!! totally loved it.. it was a short 3 playZ kinda thingy.. my lecturer MR Ferlin was a cast in it.. and he was darn gd sia!!! phew.. *applause for the (lil') man* ahaha... hmm the second short play.. was based on a case that erfendi and sin ping helped Mr Ferlin to analyse kinda thingy.. for this seasonZ true fileZ>. *wonders if it has been played on tv or not* it seriously a realy realy SICK case lar.. about rape and all.. ARGH!!! SICK SICK SICK.. but i TOTALLY liked the concept they potrayed it.. hmm yeah.. the first play was about well believe or not.. SHOES!!! so kewl sia.. the alst 1.. that was the 1 that Mr F was in.. very kewl and all.. farni somore!!! ahah.. after the play.. we took picZ and all*waiting for tammy to send me the picZ with ME in it..=X* ahaha.. yeah.. kewl sia.. took picZ with all of em' with Mr F.. with the 4 seasonZ...(sharita priya tammy n jasmine...) aka the 'charmed' oneZ... and yeah. also tok a pic with jasmine... yeah.. so looking forward to gettin the picZ..*ANOTHER hint to tammy!!!* hmm makes me wonder .. how was my hair ar in the pic.. ahha nowadayZ very messy sia.. haha.. wokAE wokae.. that'Z all for now ppl..

aDrE (13)


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