iN my bAlcoNy


Sunday, September 07, 2003

this entry will be about me weekend 'savvy?!' harhar!

ahah kk lame lame!!!... but yeah if u guyZ dun noe wat i mean.. means u;ve not watched the freakinhelluvagdwaypasskewlawesomewonderful show of pirates of the caribbean!!! my weekend started when i watched that show at 12.20 AM saturday morning with me frenZ (erfen, apri, ling, apri, soffie and myself)at TM... me parentZ weren't in town so they cld crash my place after the show... btw orlando bloom was kewl in the show.. but to ME the star was Johnny Depp! whoa.. totally WAY PASS KEWL image man!!!!.. yeah after the show they came over my house.. played fifa on PS2 this and that..(apri n I fixed our GUNDAM up)... bought it at a discounted price of 10 BUCKZ!!!^_^ yeah.. and all of them slept for a bit at least xept me.. i din sleep the whole nite... then the next morning i slept for about 1 and the half hour or so...(11-1).. the day went by with me doin my werk and trying to slack with me frenZ at the same time.. kinda diff. cauZ wanted to finish up some werk and all... then one by one the rest went offf(oh yeah azila came by for awhile.. she left when i slept..sori about that lala..and thx for comin..=X) last but not least erfen aNs azhani went off.. azhani was like gonna watch pirates of the carribean again sia! sheesh!.... erfen n azhani decided to come again later at night to do our werk(written representation) .. yeah they left abhout 5++ then i started reading a book .. managed to go through onli like 1 page and i fell asleep.. i woke up.. and saw the time was like 7.20 looked out the window, it was a bit dark(btw iwas on me parentZ bed)... then i went out wanted to check me HP.. and i saw me brother at home slping.. i thought to myself... hmmm me bro don come home at 7+ at nite... and heck why;d he be aslp?!.. it suddenly came to me.. IT WAS MORNING!!!! ARGH.... I FREAKING SLEPT FOR 13hrs and 30minZ!!! CRAP~!!!!! wah soffie said...wat a pig!!! sheesh! then i saw my phone.. 9 missed callZ and 6 sms-es.. poor azhani n erfen were frantically trying to get a hold of me..(once again guyZ sori about that)... haha i checked the newspaper for the date.. juZ in case I slept and it was monday alreadi.=X haha.. if I did that... people wld think i was dead alreadi sia!... haha yeah then juZ now in the afternoon.. i headed to paya lebar for the RSAf airshow.. it was kewl.. a nice experience.. the air showcase was the highlight.. the fighter planes took off so near us and allseriously kewl experience...:) yup now at home winding down after a kewl weekend.. by uneventful holiday filled with projects!!! oh well it;s over now.. new term and all.. lalala~.. so yeah get back to ya all soon , savvy? (another lame attempt..=X)



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