iN my bAlcoNy


Sunday, November 09, 2003

ARGH~!!!! totally forgot about a gig that i wanted to go~!!! me p. skool fren and his band was performing~!!!! ~>.<~... drat~ feeling down aobut it.. wanted to ask me fren to come along to the gig as well.. oh well.. hope me p skool fren will tell me aobut his next gig.. it'll be kewl to see ur p skool frenZ jamming n all.. haha compared to the short pantZ hairless dayZ.... haiZ~!!!!

Oh well.. at least other then that thingZ are going rather well with me..^_^... yesterday nite iskandar slept over at me place.. had fun and all.. watched soccer n erm.. van wilder show.. ahah freaking farni~!.. american pie fanZ... don miss out on the show.. iskandar left at 4 am.. cycled home.. haah the poor dude so so darn groggy sia.. hehe.. glad he made it back safely ..(phew)... o yeah.. go a few more testimonialZ for friendster.. kewl.. can only remmeber.. sharita tammy n ash giving ..heh thX galZ...;).. if i missed anyone out.. erm sowee~!!

woohoo~ me jUZ bought more story bookZ~ heheh.. going crazy here.. lalala~ oh well nothin much to add i think.. thingZ are going alrite i guess at haider land.. getting a bit of haider time here n there.. going out with ppl i wana go out with.. have pln Z to go out with ppl i wana go out with BUT have yet to..:).. oo yeah.. law inc thingyZ to do as well..

aDrE ~13~

Freaking Bloody Hell,
EmotionZ Running Wild.
Oh How Happy Was I,
But Now I Choose To Die.

Don't Get Me Wrong,
I'm Feeling Good And Strong.
I no not of my arrival in the Confusion,
Life's Only Volatile Emotion


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