iN my bAlcoNy


Sunday, November 23, 2003

beach cleaning.. nice thing to do... was fun.. but same old same old... was held at pasir ris beach. guess it'Z still nearrest to my skool even though i've graduated from my previous. At least the people were different...TP BSC n well some law inc peepZ.. strted out well n all but then it rained.. haha so hell had to stop.. but it was fun.. bonded with thge BSc main n subb com memberZ. went off from there at around 4 or so, headed to erm tamp central... Was like deciding on where to go.. Hakim'Z place or Azhani's gig.. *pondered* well.. since hakim was aslp n all i like headed to azhani's gig after confirmation that ling n erfen was going... at least some other dudeZ were gona be there....=X no offence gals.


With 2 overly large sec. schools( chinese high & nanyang girls high school) surrounding the area, one would never suspect 'the house' to even exist there. Looking like a rather unkept house, 1 would be excused for thinking that it was just another private house which nobody lived in(bloody rich buggerZ). It wasn't the case though, on the wall of the house rather unsubtlely written, 'welcome to the house'. It was clearly a case of blatant writing with no intent. for design. It achieved in getting its effect though, drawing ppl to it, making sure 'the house' was easily found.

5 bucks was needed for admission. 5 bucks, would not get you an unsatisfying Mc meal even. With that in mind, the cost was worth it. As 5 bucks brought more satisfaction then any 'all-in-one' handheld food could give. Stepping into the house, I saw scenes that i would see in a 'pub' or TV. People chilling strangers and regulars, just sitting n doing, wat u call.... stuff. My grp and I sat at the corner, taking in the scene, at least I was. The main core of homo sapiens were those from the west. The blonde, brown n other extended colours of hair that we easterners lack, filled up most of the spaces. Blue, green n brown pupils returned my looks. All of us had 1 thing in mind in about half an hours time ....

The majority were glued to the TV watching the highly anticipated rugby finals, the Aussies n the English. Divided by their origin motherland the support were split to 2. Me fellow Muslims and myself had 1 thing in mind though, we wanted to consume a huge succulent piece of something to break our fast. An empty stomache would never get us through the unleashed hours that was about to come.

6.54 it was time to load ourselves up, with magazines of burgers in hand, we headed out 'the house'. We did the necessary preperations needed. Consumed. While consuming, we heard the screams, grazing metalZ and other alien sounds that were pumping heavily in the house.It had begun. Once we were done with the consumption ritual, I braced myself. Taking my steps towards the entrance of the house for the second time. This time i knew, that the other homo sapiens that were hypnotized by a box, were now in a trance of a greater power.

Inside, the crowd were standing most were standing, abosorbing the atmosphere, though you could see in their eyes they were trying hard, resisting themselves from being consumed, totally, by the source.I found myself too falling. Falling to the energy, feeling my heart beating to the thumping sounds. I started acting strangely.Synchronizingly my head n feet were moving. I was loosing control. I found my inner self, not wanting to be sucked into the whirlwind of movementZ. A no. of them were had already lost the battle. They were moving. Strangely. Clearly possesed by the higher power.

The hours flew by, more n more living beings were lost. Physically present, but by actions, clearly showed that it wasn;t the case mentally.What strucked me perculiar was that they enjoyed it. They genuinely looked like they wanted to do it. Even as the limitations of energy took their toll, they were still not stopping. The cold musty smell of persperation filled the air. The smell was welcoming to most, definitely in place.There was only one way to stop all this. Terminate the source, it wasn't possible as the 'army' of mindlessness were barriers to myself and any other who had intentions to end it.All we could do was wait.

We waited. I had to admit time slowly subdued my inner strenth. I knew i had to hold and perservere. It was nice though, the feeling. I found my hands had joined my head n feet towards the end. I started screaming nonsence. All actions, gestures of awe towards the source. My mind was still in place though. Thoughts of skanking were in mind. I saw the group skanking in front of me, my friend 1 of them. I wanted to be part of it. I still held back, stubborn.

It finally ended. The source that came into power, just left. With it so did the crowd. They left within minutes, leaving my friends and I in 'the house'. My 'skanking' friend, was smiling from ear to ear, satisfied. With no remorse for what she'd just done. It was then that i realised, it was me. I was the one who lost out. I felt foolish. I should have let loose, should have succumb to such great power and not foolishly try to be ignorant of it. I vowed to myself, that I will go to this place again, and i WILL be free. But these are just mere words, would i again, stupidly resist?... I had to wait and see.

On the way home, the thoughts were still in my mind, I didn't know what to do or say. The brimming excitement and regret was getting to me. I knew what i had to do, the only thing to do to release these volatile emotions. I fell to the urge, and dialled THE number.



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