iN my bAlcoNy


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

darn it.. i expect life to be more of an adventure then whatever I'm going through now..-.- maybe I'm too young to say this.. but up till now life is boring.. it'Z alwayZ the same.. happiness, frenZ(not that i'm unappreciative), family, love, anger, sadness .. same old same old...

I mean... myself and the rest of the ppl of the world took a great big risk when we swam our lil' spermy hearts out to reach the egg... It was tiring(i think) and hard. It feels like in the movies when they show ppl from all over the world travelled hard, legally and even illegally throng their way to the land of promise(most of the time america, then again singapore was one too for asians if i ain't wrong). the way I see it.. the adventure stopped there. I mean I can't even swim that gd now~! sheesh~! tok about losing a great talent. oh yea btw.. yesh i was that small once.. WHAHHAHAHA

Then again the way i see it, ppl find the life i'm living is pretty darn exciting now. Heck others find it overwhelming...maybe i'm meant for greater things(shameless). Then again I have a gd no. of years before I can really experience them... gota get at least NS outa the way.. and studies too perhaps.

Ppl might say that things like NS and all are a helluva experience, but it's normal~!!! It's not unique for goodness sake. Maybe it'Z just me I'm not making it special or unique. Then again quite a number of ppl say I'm doin crazy kewl things with my life now. Ok i noe i dun drink and club and even smoke(for now at least).. I like to have gd clean fun.. . and I KNOW it's possible to do so.

btw lovely mornin it is todae...rained a bit just stopped.. eheh very coolin and nice. At least mother nature doesn't seem to seize her amazement(though she can be quite a pain at timeZ).

Maybe all these are things that humans are gd for or made for. Maybe we humans are the ones who has limited ourselves to these experiences(i think this is true)

Oh well I guess i've got nothing more to say. Just hope I'll get a final swim of excitement before I die~(16 years and a few months counting; contradicting with the line above~) damn still gota travel the world b4 that.. hoping to get an adventure of excitement along the way...


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