iN my bAlcoNy


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Understanding the demads of one's thinking. It is not his choice to think.. his mind wonders. Some calls it a weak aspect. Tho he doesn't think so. The power of his mind is his. Such thoughts will come and go as it pleases. The mind will then drive the heart's desire. The moments lasts agonizingly long, especially when it hurts. Tsk tsk. Annoying.

He who do not know how to deal with it will suffer. So they say. Which means he is suffering. He is thrilled at the beginning. And then.. and then.. cirucmstances.. CIRCUMSTANCES!!.. SCREW CIRCUMSTANCES!!! Heh.. tho circumstances can be good to him at times eh? Oh well this is bad, real bad and he knows it.

Day in day out, the sun drifts, the moon comes. It's a cycle. Just like the annoying circumstance that is causing the heart to go whacko due to the thoughts in his mind. The wonderful thoughts comes at a heightened level. Then what he personally calls a turnover, or a u turn if you prefer will take place. Take the heightened mountainous wonderfulness, turn it over and pierce it. PIERCE IT TO THE GROUND AS IT SURPASSES THE GREATEST DEPTH THAT ONE THOUGHT POSSIBLE. yea, oh it hurts... the bleeding will not start; neither will it end. Such will the tears flow not outwards, but inwards.

nuff' said bottom line he am happy (thats what i potray as others demand it of me)


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