iN my bAlcoNy


Wednesday, August 20, 2003

hmm.. have not posted anything for quite a while... dun ask me why.. juZ din feel like it i guess

AnywayZ.. had a superb weekend... it was so KEWL! spending time at a hotel for the weekend.... yeah... anywayZ to the ppl.. ahpi b-day to all the august babieZ!!!! heheh .. man thingZ are gonna be tight for me until donoe when sia.. the things that has toi be done.. and the thingZ that are coming up.. seriously packed sia!!!.. haiZ ... trying to find time to help me couZ in his sec. skool werk.. seriously hope i can make time for him....

oh yah.. not forgetting about the shitZ that;s been bugging me man!!!..thingZ are gettin better now .. i guess..i sort of broke a promise to myself..i fell and i fell hard!!! and picking myself back up.. took a lot of thinking and analysis of the situation (without prejudice so to speak..=X)... to some of me frenZ>. yah i noe.. i;m speaking in 'code' or somethin lidat.. but.. i guess thatZ' the way i want it to be.. the way i CHOOSe for it.. sori..



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