iN my bAlcoNy


Friday, June 10, 2005


Time check.. 2.46 am.. just finished my first lesson in singing from my bro.. AND BOY CAN'T I SING... okok.. i noe everyone knows this for a fact... but thing is.. even u guys out there who things u all can sing.. think again. even tho u might have the voice.. tuning tone and etc... it's all majorly difficult. (kudos who those who can really sing)... am passing and filling my time before NS. wanting to learn, do and experience and many things as I can. This being one of it.. Who willbenefit from this.. not only me i hope... alrite..

weird entry from Haider.. No?

P.S. - on the contrary to what many people say.. Hayden C. did an awesome job as Anakin Skywalker. NO NOT BECAUSE HE IS GOOD LOOKING. I AM FREAKING STRAIGHT~(on contrae' as well). His arrogance and style totally rocked.. and he can ACT.. er and catch this.. my bro just alerted me.. can;t belive it totally eluded me.. but Darth Sidius's master was able to manupilate something to create a life form. remember that anakin had no father.. and his jedi ratings were off the charts.. even higher then yoda. Cld this mean that anakin was created by darth sidius' master?).. many other thoughts i have. want to know.?.. talk to me .. heh..


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