iN my bAlcoNy


Wednesday, July 16, 2003

wah!!!!!!! sheesh! bloody wednesdayZ!.... can die sia... 9-11 tut...12-4 staright got class.. then 5-6 lect.!... basket!... then sommore stupid accountZ bloody basic stuff..-.- BORIN!! i was like stoning sia juz now in lect.!.. realy tired...haiZ..

on a brighter note..=X tmr maybe playing soccer!!!.. wooHoO!!!!.. hopefully thew astro turf re-openZ!! then can play..^_^...

wat'Z with the year oneZ!??!... some ppl say got rumorZ a couple of them likeZ me..-.- then today got n sms aobut a gal who likeZ me!!from law year one.. liew.. they all nothin better to do ar?1.. but then again.. i'm on the tail of another gal lar... if onli galZ that i like .. approaches me n say that they like me..wldn;t things be simpler?... oh well engh about this.. got to see if got thingZ to print for tmr...

wader outZ!


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