iN my bAlcoNy


Saturday, July 19, 2003

tralala~>.. the song 1 wld sing when they are in love... a song i've not sang a long time..a song that is burning to be sang...

to sing it.. i gota be in love.. but am i?.. that'Z like too darn strong a word to use... frankly to hell with it..

abywayZ>. today was like a crazy mon key day sia!... can die.. runing around like duno wat....arrived skool at 10 am.. rushed to accounts class ..trying not to be late.. then after that.. before l comm lect. edleweiss, mingren fabien n myself.. were like running to the lab.. print owr noteZ for l comm.. we like did it in 7 min. or somethin.. bloody free access lab so slow..-.-.. then we ran up to hthe lect.. made it on the dot kinda thing.. then after that.. never go mosque sia I..-.- had to go dentist.. the rush back to tampines look for father'Z B-day present.. lucky i was fast.. then managed to play pool with izad sheereen hanif shazanah n aristi too.. but ar.. i like felt bloody guilty sia never go mosque.. managed to do the thingZ fast.. that had time to paly a bit of pool..-.- then i hyeaded back to skool by 5.30.. had the murder game meeting... haiZ>. we were like NOT productive at all today...-.-.. gueZz it;s an off day lar...

oo ya... i went to raffles(dentist) with me fren... jacob.. n we were like tokin about n online game i ued to play.. (singapore legends of darkness or SGDA)... they've like closed the server at the end of last month.. n we are like all so freakin sad!!.. I LOVE that game.. heck... my fren n I.. have liked set up a memorial webby for it.. haiZ>. we really love the game.. i spent HOURZ(6 hrZ straight..maybe more a day?) playin the game.. n now it;Z like gone.. the memories .. i cherish.. the frenZ.. i still ahng on to...(go out chionZ movie sia)... haiZ.. sianZ sia.. the timeZ we chiong for hrZ the game.. we KPKB t.. tok cock online... ARGH'!!!.. hehe tokin about love earlier.. i've lost the closest thing to 'love'.. the end of SGDA!!!!

XwadershushX(game char. name)
wader OUTZ!(rulZ)


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