iN my bAlcoNy


Tuesday, July 22, 2003

as i grew up...and up..
all i did was stare...
sure i talked..
and talked...=X
seriously..that isn't me
did they see?
me rumbling my energy;
to thoughts! to thoughts!
my drawings
.. a hobby?
it was therapy!
appointment with Dr me...

Sunday, July 20, 2003

hola!... yes ar!!! finally got my blog to be entitled as it shd be entitled!!!(in my balcony)..=X heheh.. my previous attemptZ failed.. i'd like to thank Erfendi Bin Dahlan for makin it all possible...=X!!!!

woo.. watha day!.... it's like 4.40 in the morning.. and im morning badminton session that was suppose to last for 2 hrZ>. lasted like 1hr 10 min..=X.. heheh sori aoubt that apri!.. i like brought 4 shuttle cockZ>... and all 4 got BUSTED!!!! eheh.. violent sia we all play...actually it'Z like due to the fact that the shuttlecockZ have been kept for like 10 yearZ ++..=X... ehhehe.... woo.. after the session.. we went back home respectively..(apri headed to my place to bathe first)...then like around 12 of us went to azhani'z place... hehe.. and i;m like still here... (izad apri yasin hanif soffie erfen ling azhani yanie azila sheereen hehe n meself).. but hanif yasin sheereen and azila headed back home.. the rest of us.. are like overnighting here...

we went to watch a 11.30 show of '2 fast 2 furious'.. it;'Z like way pass kewl! the carZ were nice.. but more importantly the galZ!!!.. hehe.. not realy lar.. i was really glued on the 'PINK!' car... so darn kewl!!!.. eheh.. then hen it ended like 1++... or was it 2.. canot remember sia... we walked all the way from tamp. interchange to azhani'Z place at pasir ris...-.-... wat can i say... pasir ris has no cinemaZ>.... lalala~hell it waaas a lOOOOOng walk home sia.. first we took a break and had drinkZ and stuff... then when we started walkin.. it like started to rain sia!!! bugger...-.-... hehe.. we waited until it was like driZzzling when we cont. our journey back...n now i;ve reached back.. here i am at azhani'Z place!!! bloggin.. (supposed to do my L comm letter homewerk thingy..=X)sheesh!... the otherZ are like atching tv n crappin n stuff...

wokae peepZ>. me like wanna og join them!.. L comm letter later later can do..^_^>.
drat...-.- juz came to my mind that .. moZ of my blog readerZ are like here with me!!.. sheesh! why'd i even write this entry?.. argh!.. heck lar...

wader outZ