iN my bAlcoNy


Saturday, July 19, 2003

outta my sight!
your vision, unwelcome to my eyeZ.
But it'Z my heart that never let u die...-.-
What do I do?
What do I say?
The beating voodoo,
lives another day.
end it... END IT NOW!~!!!!!!!!
thump, ThUmP, THUMP!!!!!
tell me HOW?!!??!?!?!??!
it slumps

the end?

tralala~>.. the song 1 wld sing when they are in love... a song i've not sang a long time..a song that is burning to be sang...

to sing it.. i gota be in love.. but am i?.. that'Z like too darn strong a word to use... frankly to hell with it..

abywayZ>. today was like a crazy mon key day sia!... can die.. runing around like duno wat....arrived skool at 10 am.. rushed to accounts class ..trying not to be late.. then after that.. before l comm lect. edleweiss, mingren fabien n myself.. were like running to the lab.. print owr noteZ for l comm.. we like did it in 7 min. or somethin.. bloody free access lab so slow..-.-.. then we ran up to hthe lect.. made it on the dot kinda thing.. then after that.. never go mosque sia I..-.- had to go dentist.. the rush back to tampines look for father'Z B-day present.. lucky i was fast.. then managed to play pool with izad sheereen hanif shazanah n aristi too.. but ar.. i like felt bloody guilty sia never go mosque.. managed to do the thingZ fast.. that had time to paly a bit of pool..-.- then i hyeaded back to skool by 5.30.. had the murder game meeting... haiZ>. we were like NOT productive at all today...-.-.. gueZz it;s an off day lar...

oo ya... i went to raffles(dentist) with me fren... jacob.. n we were like tokin about n online game i ued to play.. (singapore legends of darkness or SGDA)... they've like closed the server at the end of last month.. n we are like all so freakin sad!!.. I LOVE that game.. heck... my fren n I.. have liked set up a memorial webby for it.. haiZ>. we really love the game.. i spent HOURZ(6 hrZ straight..maybe more a day?) playin the game.. n now it;Z like gone.. the memories .. i cherish.. the frenZ.. i still ahng on to...(go out chionZ movie sia)... haiZ.. sianZ sia.. the timeZ we chiong for hrZ the game.. we KPKB t.. tok cock online... ARGH'!!!.. hehe tokin about love earlier.. i've lost the closest thing to 'love'.. the end of SGDA!!!!

XwadershushX(game char. name)
wader OUTZ!(rulZ)

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

wah!!!!!!! sheesh! bloody wednesdayZ!.... can die sia... 9-11 tut...12-4 staright got class.. then 5-6 lect.!... basket!... then sommore stupid accountZ bloody basic stuff..-.- BORIN!! i was like stoning sia juz now in lect.!.. realy tired...haiZ..

on a brighter note..=X tmr maybe playing soccer!!!.. wooHoO!!!!.. hopefully thew astro turf re-openZ!! then can play..^_^...

wat'Z with the year oneZ!??!... some ppl say got rumorZ a couple of them likeZ me..-.- then today got n sms aobut a gal who likeZ me!!from law year one.. liew.. they all nothin better to do ar?1.. but then again.. i'm on the tail of another gal lar... if onli galZ that i like .. approaches me n say that they like me..wldn;t things be simpler?... oh well engh about this.. got to see if got thingZ to print for tmr...

wader outZ!

i wish to tell.. but how do i?.,.. do i want to?.. is it time?... am, i kidding myself?.. who am i to think of such thingz... wat am i to do since i do think about it... i am out of control.. out of my mind.. i canot go through with this.. but i want to... the mind thinks.. the heart feelz..... it's not the same language... is it?... i guess not.. how am i to interprete 2 languages tat doesn;t seem to want to understand each other... i can go on like this.. what'll i get?... unanswered questions.. can i live with that?...i doubt it...wat do i do??!?!?


Tuesday, July 15, 2003

alo' !! hmm .. how to load a pic in my webby ar?.. the 'twisted thoughts...etc.' part me wan to chge sia.. if canot is there a way to put 'iN my BalcoNy' for title kinda thing?...if anyone noeZ a way.. plz enlighten me!~!!!...
hmm anywayZ.... basket! tmr got cpc.. n me have not done the tut yet!! arGH!!!.. me gonna start in around 30 min time.. chialat sia... wat can i say.. school's Started!!!! haiyo.. oo ya.. sowee i din post anythin later.... went to bed early sia yest. freakin tired.. dun even noe why..
i'll leave u all with a poem that i wrote ..some of u have read it......i like it.. it might be lame to u though.. but who careZ!!?!?!.. it's my mother fuckin webby!...not urZ... heheh take care...^_^

Ever since I was young,
I was taught that 1 could never be sort.
1 was meant to be alone,
left aside on it’s own….

But ever since I first gazed at you,
a lesson was thought anew.
That 2 cld be 1,
and with love anything cld be done…

Know… what was done can be undone,
Blink your eyes, gone is the sun.
A wound exposes, fresh hurt has begun

It began, it ends soon,
emotions never get stuck.
Ugly scar, ends the wound.
It would take more than touch to spark

Monday, July 14, 2003

beyonderZ!!!!! how the hell did i manage to get in it?!??!?1... but heck... i kinda like it's concept though.... the stuffZ that can be done..reminds me of my 'literature' lesson timeZ>.oh well engh about that!...

how'd u guyZ like my new template?!?..=X...wanted to get a pink 1.. but all of them lookZ girly(ie flowerz etc.).. i mean i like pink n all.. but the flowerz wld be goin a bit over board sia!
bloofy hell i duno if there's nn ezier way to do it.. but i had to chge the original wordingZ of 'in my balcony'.. extract the pic. edit usin 'paint'... crap sia.. but hell i did it!!!!!hehehehheheh
okok me wna to see wat me ahve to do for skoolZ>.. might post somethin else later...



Sunday, July 13, 2003

wow wee.... wat a day... ! headed to the beach.. headed to esplanade n the places around it (ie waterfront)..then had a way pass kewl dinner of chickien rice..=X
i've got to say,... today was a gd day to go to places like the esplanade etc. the weather was kind to us.. windy... a bit sunny.. but not in any bad extreme of wet or hot(don think dirty!). well back in my balcony at last!....kinda miss it.. the familiar sight of my bagZ on the floor.. table with pens paperZ.. n other unneeded(normal however) stuff... woo i think next weekend want to clean my balcony up sia.. put up more comicZ>. display more stuff... bookZ hotwheelZ car...posterZ etc!.. i'll end with somethin profound..=X EXPLORE!(laemo!!!!)


some of u noe this .. some of u don..
but life after 35?... to me.. wat'Z that?... when i say this.. ppl say like.. hell!!! there'z lots to do in life... wat do i say?... yeah i noe.. n i intend to do it all b4 3rd may 2021. i mean.. even if i can't do them all.. when age starts to add it's weight.. wat can i do? it'll juz take too long.. n too hard... n i don wan to break my bones. But my thoughtz are juz thoughtz... heck... i can't control the future... even if i wanT to pass on early... i wan to do itn in style..=X(heck dying in style!.. wat next?!)
the life i crave is long overdue.. the timez when books were meant for pleasure n knowledge came from sources other then processed mother nature. so screw the bookZ and bugger off knowledge fuckerz \\// in mythoughts u don exist.. FUCK.. my thoughts don really count!



strangly so... in my balcony i am not... but at apri's place i am... i did expect it though....once again my midnite adventure plan to watch a show was juz.. well... a plan..apri n I watched terminator 3 at 9.30... joined with azhani n vithya. .. seriously not really gd or noe of wat to write... the thoughts that's running in my mind.. how i wish to share them.. but human i am... n so i shall act as one... i will let time open my gates of stored feelings

beyond the fabric.. beyond the metal.. beyond the glass..
the free world out there..craving its freedom...
beyond the wood beyond the glass... the tech. that callZ me
the 'life' within it... the neverendin bust of life... beats cravin freedom... at timez
why though?... linger at the thoughts.. of the free i see
why though?...the brimming energy ... that sizzleZ the mindZ
in confinement... is where i'm free...the power of my balcony