iN my bAlcoNy


Saturday, November 08, 2003

Seemingly pleasantly so,
the journey as u grow.
As u soar up to daze
fear not the downs u face.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

hmm finally arrived at apri'Z place.. time check.. 3.51 am... hmmm.. let me first say that examZ are over.. but most of my readerZ already noe that... so kinda no point of me saying leme say i feel dumb...i slept over apri'z place... yest nite as well.. din go home,.. it was a sudden decision to sleep over at apri'Z place after invitation by de yest i din have my contact lense stuff etc.. so yeah.. todae.. i thought i brought.. pretty darn sure that i brought.. but hmm.. i din...-.- sheesh~

i've onli been home for about 3 hrs since i left for my crim pro paper.. after the paper.. i went out to town.. caught a movie.. 'identity'.. superb show... if u ask me.. very very gd... hmm well... todae or rather wedenesday morning.. arrived home at around 12,30 to 1.. then ar around.. 3++ i went out... hhahaah.. not that i'm complaining.. enjoyed my self tremendously.. with tuesday'Z n wednesday'Z outings.. :)... a gd start to the holZ... n i wouldn't have wanted it any other way..

haiZ later todae(thursday) gona play soccer with the law dudes... haiZ.. at around 3 pm.. liew.. wonder how long i will be home~! seriously missing home ...haiZ... on friday.. gona like go out do some shit,... go dentist.. etc. woo wata packed schedule ahah.. hmm..

oo yeah,, before i sign off...i juZ came back from watching matrix.. well something lidat.. went n sclacked with apri erfen n ling.. before headed to apri'Z place... so yeah.. thus the late arrival.. but something strange happened juZ now.. after the show... i walked out and all..i realised my hp was missin~!! eeeepZ.. then apri n i headed back to the cinema to like search for it at the place we sat... we searched and searched.. iwas like.. drat.. somebody'z taken it.. cauz our popcorn was missing alreadi.. but the strange thing was that other ppl'Z have not been cleared.. then the ppl who were to clean the cinema came in.. they helped us look for my phone.. we couldn't find it.. so i tried the back exit of the cinema... trace back my stepZ kinda thingy...i opened the exit.. i asked apri.. din we come out from the other side.. as in the other cinema?... on the left.?.. he checked it out and it was like yeah!~

thing is we were at the correct cinema as stated on our tiX cinema yeah.. we went to the other cinema ... and true engh it was there.,.. with 10 missed calllz.. due to apri'z excessive calling.. hehehe.. thing is... after watching a show like matrix.. wat was going through my mind.. my leaving of my hp in the cinemas was to tell us.. that we went into the wrong cinema(both showing matriX).. haha wat a way to find out..we wouldn;t have known if i din like dropped my fone at the cinema=x.. oo yeah.. btw hate me for this ... but trinity died...mUAHAHAHAHAH=X~!!!!

i sat with a flower,
swinging legs passing the hour.
a sight it was,
seemingly talking without a cause.

being on a tower,
would have been a pleasure,
lovely though when telling true
below at the secret of us two..

Sunday, November 02, 2003

As i look up to the sky of masses,
I search for the angel with glasses.
Whose smile holds the power,
For this devil's search for slumber

is it jUz my closest of frenZ?`.....are my choices lof frenZ BAD?~!>..... nah i doubt it... heck they are the best~!!!! i'm tokin about my guy frenZ here.. so duddetes nothin much about u... there's H,Y.S and A.... the first is going crazy..this dude.. is one helluva guy.. i donoe wat word can decribe him.. all i noe is that he's the 1 with has most of the same interests asperspec jUZ like mine.. what went wrong?!... it'Z like his doing crazy stuff thingZ that i noe n he noes that will screw him up one day.. and i hope that day won't come...wth is he thinking?... playing with fire(literally) and havocking through the niteZ... erm u toking aobut shoplift?~... sheesh boy i did it when i was in P.3.. i urge.. no beg u to stop man..

the second.. ZzzZzzz... put'Z unnecessary problemZ to himself... argh!!! foolish i say.. but then again.. and i see him trying.. and i do what i can do.. to push him... to make sure he doesn't do anything more foolish... haiZ...this dude is a genius if i ever knew 1!!! his practicality and determination surpass anyone i noe~!!!!! y oh y.. doesn;t he see it?!

the third.. hmm.. my dude.. u face choices that comes to naturally.. it nagZ u ... like it would nag me and all other ppl.. but dude.. i can onli say... make the choice that is selfish..the choice which is true to urself.. but think it through though... which is it..

the last 1...A... hmmm... well SURPRISINGLY... this dude.. is the 1 that is well.. the most alrite.. ahha.. he worried me in the past.. but now.. he's the 1 soaring.. know this dude... though u are the 1 i am sort of furthest apart with so to speak.. u noe u have my backing all the way... and i noe that aimi will give u the extra boost u need.. :) .. cheerZ to u..

I wish the best for u guyZ..

a fren