iN my bAlcoNy


Friday, April 15, 2005

So, Sharita and myself were at Borders... looking for books obviously, then we heard over the income something like, 'Haider come to 243'... apparently there was someone with my name working there.. welll no biggie eh?

then as we walked around we saw this guy who looked exactly like me... a carbon copy!.. DAMN i thought i was looking in the mirror. You guys who thought my bro and I looked alike, got it totally wrong!.. This dude really looks like me, heck his height is same as mine even .. SHEESH!... oh yea he was the HAIDER working there!... same spelling as well.. way kewl~!.. now i am wondering if he IS really my twin. uncanny and weird... shall post the pic up of himself and me soon

btw.. for those who bevlieved that shit ..DUMB!!!!.. SHEESH.. gullible pple...

this is wat actually happened. the fact that there was a haider working there is true. So after hearing the announcement, which sharita and myself had heard it the previous time we were there together with tammy, we just continued walking, nothing really special. Just that for both instance I thought it was me that they were referring to ahha.

Well.. as we were looking for the books that sharita wanted(she had 40 dollars voucher btw.. DAMN), a borders worker was in front of us doing some stuff, then he walked away. He stopped, then came up to me and asked, 'You are Haider right?' I'm like 'yea...' , "same here...' he said. He showed me his tag and all.. WHOA!.. Well how does he know me you ask? He explained to me in his next sentence. 'Know you from friendster..' he then walked off.. WHAHAHAHA way kewl if you ask me. Well not as kewl the story i used to fool those gullible enough to be fooled earlier on (i think yanie will be fooled...).

btw.. Sharita and myself had a Tarot reading with this dude along Orchard... way kewl.

truth be told,
I shalt not hold.
the heart no longer.
for it will deter my stronger.

the meaning of life is nothing to me; cause it's meaning to me will I define on my death bed